# MarkersPlugin

API Documentation

Displays various markers/hotspots on the viewer.

This plugin is available in the core photo-sphere-viewer package in dist/plugins/markers.js and dist/plugins/markers.css.

# Usage

The plugin provides a powerful markers system allowing to define points of interest on the panorama with optional tooltip and description. Markers can be dynamically added/removed and you can react to user click/tap.

There are four types of markers :

  • HTML defined with the html attribute
  • Images defined with the image or imageLayer attribute
  • SVGs defined with the rect, circle, ellipse or path attribute
  • Dynamic polygons & polylines defined with the polygonPx/polygonRad/polylinePx/polylineRad attribute

Markers can be added at startup with the markers option or after load with the various methods.

const viewer = new PhotoSphereViewer.Viewer({
  plugins: [
    [PhotoSphereViewer.MarkersPlugin, {
      markers: [
          id: 'new-marker',
          longitude: '45deg',
          latitude: '0deg',
          image: 'assets/pin-red.png',

const markersPlugin = viewer.getPlugin(PhotoSphereViewer.MarkersPlugin);

markersPlugin.on('select-marker', (e, marker) => {
    id: marker.id,
    image: 'assets/pin-blue.png'

# Example

The following example contains all types of markers. Click anywhere on the panorama to add a red marker, right-click to change it's color and double-click to remove it.


You can try markers live in the playground.

# Markers definition

One of these options is required.

Name Type Description
image string Path to the image representing the marker. Requires width and height to be defined.
imageLayer string Path to the image representing the marker. Requires width and height to be defined.
html string HTML content of the marker. It is recommended to define width and height.
square integer Size of the square.
rect integer[2] |
Size of the rectangle.
circle integer Radius of the circle.
ellipse integer[2] |
Radiuses of the ellipse.
path string Definition of the path (0,0 will be placed at the defined x/y or longitude/latitude).
polygonPx integer[2][] Array of points defining the polygon in pixel coordinates on the panorama image.
polygonRad double[2][] Same as above but coordinates are in longitude and latitude.
polylinePx integer[2][] Same as polygonPx but generates a polyline.
polylineRad double[2][] Same as polygonRad but generates a polyline.

Examples :

  image: 'pin-red.png',
  imageLayer: 'pin-blue.png',
  html: 'Click here',
  square: 10,
  rect: [10, 5],
  rect: {width: 10, height: 5},
  circle: 10,
  ellipse: [10, 5],
  ellipse: {cx: 10, cy: 5},
  path: 'M 0 0 L 60 60 L 60 0 L 0 60 L 0 0',
  polygonPx: [[100, 200], [150, 300], [300, 200]],
  polygonRad: [[0.2, 0.4], [0.9, 1.1], [1.5, 0.7]],
  polylinePx: [[100, 200], [150, 300]],
  polylineRad: [[0.2, 0.4], [0.9, 1.1]],

What is the difference between "image" and "imageLayer" ?

Both allows to display an image but the difference is in the rendering technique. And image marker is rendered flat above the viewer but and imageLayer is rendered inside the panorama itself, this allows for more natural movements and scaling.


Texture coordinates are not applicable to cubemaps.

# Markers options

# id (required)

  • type: string

Unique identifier of the marker.

# x & y or latitude & longitude (required for all but polygons/polylines)

  • type: integer or double

Position of the marker in texture coordinates (pixels) or spherical coordinates (radians). (This option is ignored for polygons and polylines).

  • type: integer

Size of the marker in pixels. (This option is ignored for polygons and polylines).

# orientation (only for imageLayer)

  • type: 'front' | 'horizontal' | 'vertical-left' | 'vertical-right'
  • default: 'front'

Applies a perspective on the image to make it look like placed on the floor or on a wall.

# scale

  • type: double[] | { zoom: double[], longitude: [] }
  • default: no scalling

Configures the scale of the marker depending on the zoom level and/or the longitude offset. This aims to give a natural feeling to the size of the marker as the users zooms and moves. (This option is ignored for polygons, polylines and imageLayer).

Scales depending on zoom level, the array contains [scale at minimum zoom, scale at maximum zoom] :

scale: {
  // the marker is twice smaller on the minimum zoom level
  zoom: [0.5, 1]

Scales depending on position, the array contains [scale on center, scale on the side] :

scale: {
  // the marker is twice bigger when on the side of the screen
  longitude: [1, 2]

Of course the two configurations can be combined :

scale: {
  zoom: [0.5, 1],
  longitude: [1, 1.5]

# opacity

  • type: number
  • default: 1

Opacity of the marker. (Works for imageLayer too).

# className

  • type: string

CSS class(es) added to the marker element. (This option is ignored for imageLayer markers).

# style

  • type: object

CSS properties to set on the marker (background, border, etc.). (This option is ignored for imageLayer markers).

style: {
  backgroundColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)',
  cursor         : 'help'

# svgStyle

  • type: object

SVG properties to set on the marker (fill, stroke, etc.). (Only for polygons, polylines and svg markers).

svgStyle: {
  fill       : 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)',
  stroke     : '#ff0000',
  strokeWidth: '2px'

Image and pattern background

You can define complex SVG backgrounds such as images by using a pattern definition.

First declare the pattern somewhere in your page :

<svg id="patterns">
    <!-- define pattern origin on its center -->
    <pattern id="image" x="256" y="256" width="512" height="512" patternUnits="userSpaceOnUse">
      <image href="my-image.jpg" x="0" y="0" width="512" height="512"/>

And use it in your marker : fill: 'url(#image)'.

# anchor

  • type: string
  • default: 'center center'

Defines where the marker is placed toward its defined position. Any CSS position is valid like bottom center or 20% 80%. (This option is ignored for polygons and polylines).

# zoomLvl 4.8.0

  • type: number
  • default: undefind

The zoom level which will be applied when calling gotoMarker() method or when clicking on the marker in the list. If not provided, the current zoom level is kept.

# visible

  • type: boolean
  • default: true

Initial visibility of the marker.

# tooltip

  • type: string | {content: string, position: string, className: string, trigger: string}
  • default: {content: null, position: 'top center', className: null, trigger: 'hover'}

Accepted positions are combinations of top, center, bottom and left, center, right.

Possible triggers are hover and click.

tooltip: 'This is a marker' // tooltip with default position and style

tooltip: { // tooltip with custom position
  content: 'This is marker',
  position: 'bottom left',

tooltip: { // tooltip with a custom class shown on click
  content: 'This is marker',
  className: 'custom-tooltip',
  trigger: 'click',


If trigger is set to 'click' you won't be able to display a content in the side panel.

# content

  • type: string

HTML content that will be displayed on the side panel when the marker is clicked.

# listContent

  • type: string

The name that appears in the list of markers. If not provided, the tooltip content will be used.

# hideList

  • type: boolean
  • default: false

Hide the marker in the markers list.

# data

  • type: any

Any custom data you want to attach to the marker. You may access this data in the various events.

# Configuration

# lang

  • type: object
  • default:
lang: {
  markers    : 'Markers',
  markersList: 'Markers list',

Note: this option is not part of the plugin but is merged with the main lang object.

# gotoMarkerSpeed 4.8.1

  • type: string|number
  • default '8rpm'

Default animation speed for gotoMarker method.

# clickEventOnMarker

  • type: boolean
  • default: false

If a click event is triggered on the viewer additionally to the select-marker event.

# Methods

# addMarker(properties)

Adds a new marker to the viewer.

  id: 'new-marker',
  longitude: '45deg',
  latitude: '0deg',
  image: 'assets/pin-red.png',

# clearMarkers()

Removes all markers.

# getCurrentMarker(): Marker

Returns the last marker clicked by the user.

# gotoMarker(id[, speed]): Animation

Moves the view to face a specific marker.

markersPlugin.gotoMarker('marker-1', '4rpm')
  .then(() => /* animation complete */);

# hideMarker(id) | showMarker(id) | toggleMarker(id)

Changes the visiblity of a marker.

# removeMarker(id) | removeMarkers(ids)

Removes a marker.

# setMarkers(properties[])

Replaces all markers by new ones.

# updateMarker(properties)

Updates a marker with new properties. The type of the marker cannot be changed.

  id: 'existing-marker',
  image: 'assets/pin-blue.png',

# showMarkerTooltip(id) | hideMarkerTooltip(id)

Allows to always display a tooltip.

# showAllTooltips() | hideAllTooltips() | toggleAllTooltips()

Allows to always display all tooltips.

# Events

# marker-visibility(marker, visible)

Triggered when the visibility of a marker changes.

markersPlugin.on('marker-visibility', (e, marker, visible) => {
  console.log(`Marker ${marker.id} is ${visible ? 'visible' : 'not visible'}`);

# over-marker(marker) | leave-marker(marker)

Triggered when the user puts the cursor hover or away a marker.

markersPlugin.on('over-marker', (e, marker) => {
  console.log(`Cursor is over marker ${marker.id}`);

# select-marker(marker, data)

Triggered when the user clicks on a marker. The data object indicates if the marker was selected with a double a click on a right click.

# unselect-marker(marker)

Triggered when a marker was selected and the user clicks elsewhere.

# Buttons

This plugin adds buttons to the default navbar:

  • markers allows to hide/show all markers
  • markersList allows to open a list of all markers on the left panel

If you use a custom navbar you will need to manually add the buttons to the list.