# GalleryPlugin 4.7.0

API Documentation

Adds a gallery on the bottom of the viewer to navigate between multiple panoramas.

This plugin is available in the core photo-sphere-viewer package in dist/plugins/gallery.js and dist/plugins/gallery.css.


GalleryPlugin is not compatible with ResolutionPlugin.

# Usage

The plugin has a list of items, each configuring the corresponding panorama, a name and a thumbnail.

const viewer = new PhotoSphereViewer.Viewer({
  plugins: [
    [PhotoSphereViewer.GalleryPlugin, {
      items: [
          id: 'pano-1',
          name: 'Panorama 1',
          panorama: 'path/to/pano-1.jpg',
          thumbnail: 'path/to/pano-1-thumb.jpg',
          id: 'pano-2',
          name: 'Panorama 2',
          panorama: 'path/to/pano-2.jpg',
          thumbnail: 'path/to/pano-2-thumb.jpg',

# Example

# Configuration

# items

  • type: array
  • default: []

The list of items, see bellow.

# visibleOnLoad

  • type: boolean
  • default: false

Displays the gallery when loading the first panorama. The user will be able to toggle the gallery with the navbar button.

# hideOnClick 4.7.3

  • type: boolean
  • default: `true

Hides the gallery when the user clicks on an item.

# thumbnailSize 4.7.1

  • type: { width: number, height: number }
  • default: { width: 200, height: 100 }

Size of the thumbnails.

# Items

# id (required)

  • type: number|string

Unique identifier of the item.

  • type: string
  • default: ''

URL of the thumbnail.

# name

  • type: string
  • default: ''

Text visible over the thumbnail.

# panorama (required)

Refer to the main config page.

# options

  • type: PanoramaOptions
  • default: null

Any option supported by the setPanorama() method.

# Methods

# setItems(items)

Changes the list of items.

# Buttons

This plugin adds buttons to the default navbar:

  • gallery allows to toggle the gallery panel

If you use a custom navbar you will need to manually add the buttons to the list.