# Cubemap tiles

Reduce the initial loading time and used bandwidth by slicing big cubemap panoramas into many small tiles.

This adapter is available in the core photo-sphere-viewer package in dist/adapters/cubemap-tiles.js. It requires dist/adapters/cubemap.js to be loaded too.

const viewer = new PhotoSphereViewer.Viewer({
  adapter: PhotoSphereViewer.CubemapTilesAdapter,
  panorama: {
    faceSize: 6000,
    nbTiles: 8,
    baseUrl: {
      left  : 'left_low.jpg',
      front : 'front_low.jpg',
      right : 'right_low.jpg',
      back  : 'back_low.jpg',
      top   : 'top_low.jpg',
      bottom: 'bottom_low.jpg',
    tileUrl: (face, col, row) => {
      return `${face}_${col}_${row}.jpg`;

# Example

title: PSV Cubemap Tiles Demo
  - path: adapters/cubemap.js
  - path: adapters/cubemap-tiles.js
    imports: CubemapTilesAdapter
const baseUrl = 'https://photo-sphere-viewer-data.netlify.app/assets/';

const viewer = new PhotoSphereViewer.Viewer({
  container: 'viewer',
  adapter: PhotoSphereViewer.CubemapTilesAdapter,
  panorama: {
    faceSize: 1500,
    nbTiles : 4,
    baseUrl      : {
      left  : baseUrl + 'cubemap/px.jpg',
      front : baseUrl + 'cubemap/nz.jpg',
      right : baseUrl + 'cubemap/nx.jpg',
      back  : baseUrl + 'cubemap/pz.jpg',
      top   : baseUrl + 'cubemap/py.jpg',
      bottom: baseUrl + 'cubemap/ny.jpg'
    tileUrl : (face, col, row) => {
      const num = row * 4 + col;
      return `${baseUrl}cubemap-tiles/${face}_${('00' + num).slice(-2)}.jpg`;
  caption: 'Parc national du Mercantour <b>&copy; Damien Sorel</b>',
  loadingImg: baseUrl + 'loader.gif',
  touchmoveTwoFingers: true,
  mousewheelCtrlKey: true,

# Configuration

# flipTopBottom

Set to true if the top and bottom faces are not correctly oriented.

# baseBlur

Applies a 1px blur to the base image (option baseUrl).

# showErrorTile

Shows a warning sign on tiles that cannot be loaded.

# Panorama options

When using this adapter the panorama option and the setPanorama() method accept an object to configure the tiles.

# faceSize (required)

Size in pixel of a face of the cube.

# nbTiles (required)

Number of columns and rows on a face. Each tile must be square. Must be power of two (2, 4, 8, 16) and the maximum value is 16.

# tileUrl (required)

Function used to build the URL of a tile. face will be one of 'left'|'front'|'right'|'back'|'top'|'bottom'.

URL of a low resolution complete panorama image to display while the tiles are loading. It accepts the same format as the standard cubemap adapter.

# Preparing the panorama

The tiles can be easily generated using ImageMagick (opens new window) tool.

Let's say you have a cubemap where each face is 6.000x6.000 pixels and you want to split them into 8x8 tiles, use the following command for each face:

magick.exe front.jpg \
  -crop 750x750 \
  -set filename:tile "%[fx:page.x/750]_%[fx:page.y/750]" \
  -set filename:orig %t \

You can also use this online tool (opens new window).


It is recommanded to not exceed tiles with a size of 1024x1024 pixels, thus limiting the maximum panorama size to 16.384x16.384 pixels by face (1.6 Gigapixels in total).