Class: StereoButton


new PSV.buttons.StereoButton (navbar)

Navigation bar stereo button class

Name Type Description
navbar PSV.components.Navbar



children Array.<PSV.components.AbstractComponent> packagereadonly inherited overrides

All child components

container HTMLElement readonly inherited overrides

groupId string readonly inherited overrides

Identifier to declare a group of buttons

icon string readonly inherited overrides

SVG icon name injected in the button

iconActive string readonly inherited overrides

SVG icon name injected in the button when it is active

id string readonly inherited overrides

Unique identifier of the button

Reference to main controller


checkSupported () package inherited overrides

collapse () inherited overrides

Collapses the button in the navbar menu

destroy () protected inherited overrides

Destroys the component

disable () inherited overrides

Disables the button

enable () inherited overrides

Enables the button

isSupported ()boolean | Object inherited overrides

Checks if the button can be displayed

Type Description
boolean | Object

isVisible ()boolean inherited overrides

Checks if the component is visible

Type Description

refreshUi () package inherited overrides

Refresh UI

Must be be a very lightweight operation

toggle (visible) inherited overrides

Displays or hides the component

Name Type Description
visible boolean optional

forced state

toggleActive (active) inherited overrides

Changes the active state of the button

Name Type Description
active boolean optional

forced state

uncollapse () inherited overrides

Uncollapses the button from the navbar menu